Telegram for Desktop is the official Telegram app for Windows operating systems that will allow you to use this popular instant messaging tool from your PC's desktop. In order to use it, however, you will need to have a registered user account, a process that can be completed easily and in just a few seconds using your phone number.
The first time you launch Telegram for Desktop, you will have to wait a few seconds for all your conversations and groups to be synchronized. Once this process is finished, you can continue with any conversation you have started in the mobile app. Similarly, you can access all the files, images, and voice memos you shared using the Android or iOS app. Many users, in fact, use Telegram to conveniently send all kinds of files between their desktop computer and their mobile device.
Although Telegram for Desktop is essentially an instant messaging tool, the truth is that it offers many more features. Its video calling tool is among the most used, allowing you to establish VOIP calls with any user or group. These calls can be individual, within a conversation with any of your contacts, or group calls, within a group of up to 1000 users. Whichever option you choose, the sound quality is usually very good. In addition, you will have several interesting tools, such as sharing your screen during video calls or adjusting the audio volume individually for each participant.
Another feature that sometimes goes unnoticed, but is very useful, is the creation of surveys. This tool, oriented exclusively to groups, will allow you to create surveys very easily; you can also choose whether you want the votes to be public or anonymous. You can also decide if you want the survey to be multi-response and create the survey in exam mode.
Apart from all its features, Telegram for Desktop stands out for the simplicity and versatility of its interface. From the drop-down menu on the left, you can activate and deactivate the night mode with just one click, which is very useful. But even more useful is the option to automate the night mode, which can be found in the configuration options. Here, you will also have more than half a dozen different color palettes to give your desktop client a unique look.
Telegram for Desktop is a must-have program for regular Telegram app users. The client is also very light and consumes very few resources, unlike other similar instant messaging apps, which are much more cumbersome. The only thing you need to be careful with if you suddenly notice that you are running out of space on the hard disk is the Telegram downloads folder, as it is possible to fill it up very quickly without hardly noticing it.
Frequent questions
What is the difference between Telegram for Desktop and Telegram Web?
In terms of features, Telegram for Desktop and Telegram Web offer the same features. Both versions allow you to send and receive files, participate in video calls, create polls, send voice notes, and so on. The main difference is that the web version requires you to have the browser open.
Is Telegram for Desktop safe?
Telegram for Desktop is 100% safe. The installer has not shown any positives in Virus Total since an older 2018 version showed a false positive from Yandex.
How do I log into Telegram for Desktop?
Logging into Telegram for Desktop is very simple: just scan the QR code that appears on the screen using the Telegram app on your Android or iOS device. If you don't have the app installed, you can use email verification.
Telegram is better than all, everyone loves Telegram.
Very good 😊
good application
Very Good
Some Telegram Premium Features are not available on this Desktop Version Example Business Features and others. And there's no option to Start Channel, Group or Secret Chats.
Why do they ask for a credit card number; isn't it free?